jueves, 23 de junio de 2016



The traditional dress of the Chilean women is normally the pollera skirt which is usually made with long colorful fabric gathered at the waist along with numerous underskirt garments. They also wear blouse with ruffles and big jewelry on their chests.

The traditional outfits of the Chileans living in the southern territories are similar to gauchos of Argentina. These dresses are normally worn by huasos andhuasas. The accessories of the outfit might include knee-high leather boots embellished with silver spurs, riding trousers, a tailored shirt tied with the waist, hanging sash, colorful poncho along with big flat-topped hat.


Curanto: The preparation of the Curanto is very special because they require at least 4 people, there is to dig a hole in the ground, select the seafood, Chapalele, potatoes, vegetables, meat, fish, pork sausage, etc. and bury the preparation sealed in sheets of pangue or nalca for several hours.

Paila marina: It is prepared with clams, choritos, machas, picorocos, piures, etc. white wine, spices and fish broth.

Empanada de pino: A patty is a thin crust of bread, dough gulch or puff pastry filled with a salt Preparation or sweet and cooked in the oven or fried.

  • Tourist Place:

Cerro San Cristobal:

Cerro San Cristóbal is a hill in northern Santiago with a beautiful view over the city and, on a clear day, the Andes. At the peak, there is a church and a 22 meter (72 feet) statue of the Virgin Mary. The summit can be reached by cable car or a long hike. Cerro San Cristóbal houses the Parque Metropolitano, Santiago’s largest public park. In the park there is also a botanical garden, zoo and two swimming pools.

Chiloe Churches

The Chiloe archipelago is an isolated group of islands, best known for a number of unique churches that boast a particular architectural style called Chilota. This style is a very unique combination of aboriginal and European Jesuit influence, and was reflected in more than a hundred wooden churches in these islands that were created in the seventeenth century.

Easter Island

One of the most isolated islands on Earth, Easter Island is located in the southeastern Pacific Ocean. Officially a territory of Chile, it lies thousands of miles off the coast roughly halfway to Tahiti. The island is famous for its 887 extant monumental statues, called moai, created by the early Rapanui people centuries ago. 

Written by Josefina Pérez

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